People Changing Places Changing People
Altered/Space develops and manages the urban realm, breathing life into town centres and helping to bring the heart back to the High Street.
We believe passionately that collaboration and engagement are the cornerstones to successful placemaking and enjoy working with our existing partners and local stakeholders to achieve this. We believe that people have the power to drive change in the physical environment and enjoy working with talented and aspirational people to deliver that change. We encourage human flourishing through the built environment both inside and out.
Altered/Space currently own and manage two exciting mixed use regeneration projects in the north west of England. The Square, Sale in Greater Manchester and Cockhedge in Warrington have the potential to deliver up to 900 much needed new homes in sustainable site locations alongside a strong mix of modern retail, office and leisure space, and aspirational public realm. Both projects are underway and we are passionate about delivering change.

4a Enterprise Road
Bangor, Co. Down
BT19 7TA
+44 (0)7771 577 970